St. Paul's Organ
But oh! what art can teach, What human voice can reach The sacred organ’s praise!
Notes inspiring holy love, Notes that wing their heav’nly ways To join the choirs above.
– John Dryden (1631-1700)
St. Paul’s treasured 1929 Skinner organ may be heard weekly at St. Paul's in liturgies and concerts. Whether in voluntaries, improvisations, choral accompaniments, or hymnody, the 1489 pipes of the St. Paul's organ are truly a heavenly sound. See the organ specs here.
St. Paul’s Organ Curator (1968-2012)
St. Paul's organ curator (2012-present)
Edward Millington Stout III standing with the St. Paul’s organ console in his shop during the 2011-2012 organ restoration
Jack Bethards at St. Paul's organ console overseeing the final regulation of the 2014 additions of a Tuba and Sesquialtera by Schoenstein Organ Company
St. Paul's new Tuba, by by Schoenstein Organ Company added in 2014
Join the Choir!
For further information about joining the choirs, including the Choir School, email our Director of Music, Dr. Susan Jane Matthews, or call 650.348.4811 ext. 5. Membership at St. Paul’s is not required to sing in the choirs at Saint Paul’s.