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Become a Member Anchor


Become a Member

It is a great joy to be a member of a growing and celebrating community. If you are interested in exploring membership the following steps might be helpful. We invite you to speak to the clergy at any time and with any questions.

Tell Us

Tell us you want to be a member
Talk to one of the clergy, and provide us with your contact information and key dates in your spiritual path (birth, baptism, etc.). If you have not been baptized, or want to be confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church, we would love to walk you through those steps as well.

Get Involved

Participate in the life of St. Paul’s by regularly attending worship.
Through the rhythm of the seasonal worship cycle we can grow into community with each other, with the wider family of faith, past, present, and future, and with God.


Take an active role in your own faith formation.

Participate in classes, small group fellowship, and other opportunities to have ongoing meaningful conversation with fellow faith seekers, past and present.  Orientation sessions are offered twice a year.  Those seeking an opportunity for reflection, learning and commitment should talk to one of the clergy about confirmation or reception into the Episcopal Church.

Take active steps

to discern how you are called to be of service and begin that service.  Pay attention to what brings you joy, and to comments from others about what you do well and when they see you "light up." Ask God in prayer to let you know what you are called to do, and listen to God's answer in meditation, and in your dreams.



Commit your time, talent and treasure to the life of this place.
Make a regular offering to St. Paul's financial upkeep. If that offering is in the form of a pledge, it is a commitment to the ongoing growth and development of our programs and service, and that commitment allows all of us to plan those programs more effectively. Giving in our faith tradition is a way of saying thank you for all that we are continually given.

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